Yabb Messenger
BaycallYabb Messenger from Baycall lets users send text, pictures, voice messages, emoticons, animations, maps, stickers and YouTube videos to anyone who matters -- anytime and anywhere -- over 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks, without spending a cent. The app is available now at no-cost from the App Store and Google Play.
Read the full Press Release
Available to download now!
About Baycall
Baycall is a next generation Telecommunications company that is Headquartered in Sydney, Australia. Established in 2002, Baycall was built on the belief that many of the world’s problems can be improved upon with the availability of affordable, convenient and globally-available communications.
With these values, Baycall quickly grew to become one of the largest next generation Telecommunications company in its field. It currently provides low cost telecommunication services to individuals, corporates, non-profit organizations and universities worldwide.
Learn more: http://www.yabb.com/install
Yabb Messenger is a free messaging service that keeps you in touch with your friends and family. Now you can text, send pictures, voice messages and videos from anywhere for free!
You no longer need to pay to text, chat, send pictures or emoticons to your friends and family. Yabb Messenger lets you text and share over 3G, 4G and even Wi-Fi, all for free. Join the worldwide Yabb network to connect and share with those who matter.
Message and chat with friends for free!
* Send pictures, maps, voice messages, emoticons, animations, stickers, texts and Youtube videos
* Tons of emoticons and animations to share with friends and family
* Auto-sync your contacts to see which friends are already on Yabb
* Add who ever you like to Yabb through Facebook, email or SMS right from the app
* Earn points when you invite a friend to join Yabb via Facebook
* Customize your chat background with your own themes
* Edit the photos you share with multiple filters and effects
Yabb offers unique features that give you new ways to send messages, texts, pictures and videos with your friends and family!
* Send a “Shout Out!” to an unlimited number of Yabb Users. Unlike a group chat or text, recipients of your message can’t see others you sent the same message to and can only reply to you.
* Youtube features let you search for and send a Youtube video within the app
* “Whisper” feature lets you send texts, photos, videos, maps and voice messages that disappear a few seconds after they’re received. While Snapchat lets you send only photos, Whisper let’s you send anything!
*Share locations and maps with other Yabbers
Yabb keeps you connected to others with its group chat features. Keep in touch with as many people as you like!
* Unlimited number of chat groups let all members of the group chat, share photos and text other members of the group in real time
* New Feature! Edit the group chat admins that change the icon/name of the group
* New Feature! Change the status of the group chat even after it’s created (public/private)
* Status notifications let your friends know what you’re up to
* Push notifications make sure that you never miss a picture, emoticon or text from your friends
With plenty of unique features and users all around the world, Yabb Messenger is the best way to socialize, regardless of where you are. Quit paying just to chat with friends. Download Yabb Messenger and start Yabbing today!
For questions or comments about the free messaging app Yabb Messenger, contact us at: http://www.yabb.com/contact-us
To learn more about the free messaging service, Yabb Messenger, visit us at: http://www.yabb.com
Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.